I kept hearing about how great doterra oils were, from other moms. I am a skeptic , I really am.
However my son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) a few years back. He would have tantrums, some hitting in frustration, screaming... it was exhausting for everyone. I felt so bad for him, so I did some research on the wonder oils... All the research came out positive. I am sort of anti medicine unless its needed (i.e migraines) So I knew I didn't want to give him any medicine at such a young age so I thought ...and thought and decided WHY NOT... I talked to a wonderful person I have known since I was pregnant with Logan, Amanda, she is where I learned the most from the oils. She personally used the oils on her family and has had great results. I started out with the
Family Physician® Kit. Includes 5 ml bottles of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Oregano, Frankincense, Deep Blue®, Breathe, DigestZen®, and On Guard.
We also ordered Intune which helps him focus
We used lavendar and noticed he slept better.
The Intune is applied to the back of his neck to so he can focus in school.
The Breathe is to help my husband sleep..ok it helps me sleep better since he doesn't snore as much as before....
Frankincense is like a wonder oil. Seems to help with his moods... Almost a year later we are loving these even more.... Oregano oil a natural antibiotic... OnGuard helps keep the sickness away. I have to say with Oregan oil and OnGuard we have drastically reduced the number of colds this year. I suggest anyone curious to look at the website and see what oils can do for you...
What are essential oils
Learn about Doterra here...